Conventions of a Thriller B+ -Hitchcock Questions

Hitchcock Questions

Alfred Hitchcock

Made 40+ films which can be regarded as thrillers.

Even today his films are considered the very best in the genre.

Most of his films were made in Hollywood, but he is actually from Leytonstone.

Alfred Hitchcock says suspense in a Thriller makes it a great movie and draws the audience in. 

One method Hitchcock used was in increasing the suspense level was having the camera playfully roam around looking for something or someone suspicious. This way, the audience not only feel like they're involved in solving the mystery, but they also feel like they're one step ahead of the character

Hitchcock explained that the main ingredient to a good thriller is that: 'let the audience play god' and by that he means that the audience knows all the secrets that the character do not. 

What is a Thriller?

Thriller: A genre of film that uses: suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements. It focuses on psychological elements to give the user a thrill when watching. 


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