Thriller Sub Genres

 Sub Genres are Genres within a genre.

Sub-Genres show all the broad features of the genre, but have a few more specific conventions which link them into a tighter subgenre.

In horror, you could have a slasher or monster movie.

Sub-genres are less well defined and slip into each other, as well other main genres.

Thriller Sub-Genres:

Action Thriller

A subgenre of both action and thriller in which the protagonist confronts dangerous adversaries, obstacles, or situations which he/she must conquer, normally in action setting. Action thrillers would usually feature a race against the clock, frequent violence and a clear antagonist. 

Comedy Thriller

A genre that combines that combines elements of comedy and thrillers, a combination of both humor and suspense or action.

Conspiracy Thriller

In which the hero/heroine confronts a large, powerful group of enemies whose true extent only she/he recognizes. 

Crime Thriller

This particular genre is a combination of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal(s) rather than a policeman, but may follow the story or either group. Central topics of these films include serial killers/murders,robberies,chases, shootouts, heists and double-crosses.

Legal Thriller

A suspense film in which the major characters are lawyers and their employees, or are in some way connected to the legal system. They often focus on a particular trial or miscarriage of justice. The system of justice itself is always a major part of these works, at times almost functioning as one of the characters.

Psychological Thriller

The most pure form of thriller and what we associate the most with the genre. In which (until the often violent resolution) the conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional, rather than physical. Characters, either by accident or their own curiousness, are dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are not prepared to resolve. Characters are not reliant on physical strength to overcome their brutish enemies, but rather are reliant on their mental resources. The subgenre usually has elements of drama, as there is an in-depth development of realistic characters who must deal with emotional struggles.

Spy Thriller

In which the protagonist is generally a government agent who must take violent action against agents of a rival government or (in recent years) terrorists. The subgenre usually deals with the subject of a rival government or (in recent years) terrorists. The subgenre usually deals with the subject of fictional espionage in a realistic way (such as the adaptions of John Le Carre)

Supernatural Thriller

In which the film brings in an otherworldly element (such as a fantasy and/or the supernatural) mixed with tension, suspsense and/or plot twists. Sometimes the protagonist and/or villain has some psychic ability and superpowers. Everyone and everywhere else though, is part of the normal world.


A suspenseful film in which the manipulation of sophisticated technology plays a prominent part. Always includes a bit of action and science fiction. 


Conventions of Action Sub-Genre: 

  • Clearly defined hero,victim, and villain.
  • Hero's object of desire is to stop the villain and save the victim.
  • Speech in praise of the villain
  • Power divide between hero and villain is large.
  • Solving problems
  • A question of morals
Conventions of an Action Thriller
  • The protagonist is actively trying to stay alive by rendering the antagonist
  • Lives depend on the protagonist's defeat of the villain
  • The protagonist is either trying to solve a crime or carry out one

Conventions of Comedy Sub-Genre: (Types of Comedies)
  • Exaggerates the situation
  • Funny language, action and characters
  • Usually have happy endings
  • Humor may have a serious or pessimistic side.
Conventions of a Comedy Thriller
  • When danger still lurks, a tongue-in check approach is used for comic relief
  • More light-hearted rather than pure fear
  • Utilize more action-orientated conventions such as chases and large action set-pieces

Conventions of Crime
  • Murder of an innocent victim
  • An isolated setting
  • A number of suspects with motives
  • Red herrings
  • The sleuth
  • A murder weapon
  • A denouement
  • The restoration of order to a chaotic world

Conventions of Crime Thriller Drama:
  • Low Key Lighting
  • Quick cuts
  • Shadows
  • Tension music
  • Changes in angles of shots
  • Diegetic sounds of heavy breathing
  • Black and white shots
  • Montage of shots
  • Protagonist 
  • Antagonist 
Conspiracy Conventions
  • Mysterious
  • Both the audience and the protagonist are left in the unknown
  • Unknown villain
  • Red Herrings
Conventions of Thriller Conspiracy
  • Slow build-up
  • Mysterious
  • Action-Based at sometimes


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