Opening Scenes


  • The opening sequence starts off skipping straight into action and into the point. It starts off with our two main character running away from two officers, from this the audience can gather that the characters have done something bad. The main character has a monologue listing all of the things he could of had, such as a "a career, job, family, etc.", suggesting that the main character when the   opening starts has gone down a bad path.
  • Set in a rural location, characters have scruffier attire suggesting that they are from a lower class.
  • The narrative presents a character on a misguided path, trying desperately to get off of this path but fails falling back onto it. The countless attempts of the failure of this character may be humorous to some, making the film a 'black comedy'.

  • What do the characters do for a living?
1.) Renton is a drug addict who tries to mend his ways by moving to London and starting life afresh. He is however pulled back into the world of drug addiction by his friends. 
  • Who were the two characters that were chasing them?
2.) Police Officers to arrest Renton and Spud as they were stealing.
  • What were they stealing?
3.) Spud and Renton were stealing drugs (Heroin.). 

Conventions of an Opening Sequence 

  • Super Imposed Graphics
  • Production company
  • Producers
  • Director
  • Actors
  • Engaging music
  • Minimal Dialogue? 
  • Introduce themes/ideology
  • Introduce Characters
  • Introduce setting
  • Introduce narrative 
  • Non-linear start
  • Smash mouth beginning?
  • Intrigue/Enigma
  • Montage?
  • Establishing shots?
Reservoir Dogs

  • The opening sequence establishes the main characters. From the way they walk down smartly dressed the watchers can percept that the group is up to something malicious. 
  • The enigma is the characters intentions in the opening sequence. We are introduced to the characters but we do not know their true intentions.
  • With this, the narrative foreshadows mystery and tension as we do not know what the characters intend to do.

  • The opening sequence creates mystery and lack of understanding. Because of the mystery created, it keeps the viewers glued to the screen as they try to piece together what the movie may be about.
  • The dark and gloomy colour pallets and the old video effects highlight the sensitive themes.  From the pictures shown- the audience can also interpret that the film may be a crime mystery.
  • With this, like Reservoir dogs the film foreshadows and tension as the audience doesn't know what is happening in the film.


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