Thriller Sub Genres +

 My Favorite Thriller Movie: Happy Death Day

Sub-Genres: Horror, Slasher and (hints of) Comedy

According to IMDB, 'The Well' was the most popular Thriller Movie last year.


Lighting: Usually Artificial lighting, city lights.

Costumes: Slasher/Masked Serial killer costume,

Era: Modern Day, Skips to scenes from the past (however still in the modern day)

Performance: Delivered seriously most of the time. 

Props: Knife, Cupcake and a  Hammer,


Sound Effects: Knife slashing across an object, Banging sound effects when cutting to the next scene, car hooting noise,explosion sound effect and the sound of a gun being shot.

Music: Pop Party music when everything is normal for the protagonist, 

Dialogue: Explaining the mess she's in to other characters,

Voice Overs: Screaming, explaining the situation she's in to the rest of the cast.


Shot Ideas: Extreme close-up,Tilted frame, Low angle shot, etc.

Camera Angles: Over the Shoulder Shots,Birds Eye view, Medium-Closeup, Closeup,Moving Subjects,etc.

Camera Movement Fast paced to follow the protagonist when they're caught in action


Pace: Fast pace when the killer comes up, When skipping back to the past the editing is quick to show a quick cut to that time.

Techniques: Fast paced edited, quickly cutting to the next scene to fit the beat of the music. 

Transitions:  Fade Outs,


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