Thriller Storyboard- INCOMPLETE

Above is a page from my Thriller Storyboard which would of been used to aid myself and my peers in the group I was working in to create the short thriller film that we were producing. In my group, we had spilt up what boxes that each person would be doing. I was given 'Section 3' of the storyboard to do which totalled to up to eight boxes. I was only able to finish drawing the first page of the storyboard and  finish four boxes.

As I couldn't complete the storyboard, I wasn't able to complete sketching the other four boxes on the second sheet of the storyboard, writing down details about the: different shot types, camera angles, etc. fine-line the sketch and colour it in so the storyboard looks completed.

If I was to go back and be able to complete the unit, I would write down and present: a variety of different shot-types and camera angles so that the film doesn't look too repetitive and would bore the viewer, different angles so that the film looks unique and would stand out compared to other short films.  I would also add into the description what is happening in the scene so we have a clear idea of what is going to be happening in each part in detail; telling us what we will have to act out in each scene. I would also add the setting. With the setting it tells us what area the scene should be in and what should be around the characters so the audience gets a certain feeling (anticipation- due to the silence and tensity between the two characters) when watching. I can write out in the 'sound' box what dialogue is going to be spoken and what sound effects can be incorparted into the scene. 



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