Response To The Client Brief

Thriller Chiller Fim Festival, from Michigan, USA are looking for the first two minutes (including the opening sequence) of an original, new thriller movie as a taster to screen at their festival next year. The thriller movie should be shot in the UK and aimed towards a target audience of 16-24 year olds. It should include all the conventions of a film opening and many of the techniques used in the thriller genre. All content must be original and produced by myself. However, music or audio effects from a copyright-free source may be used, but must be referenced. 

As my thriller is targeted towards a target audience of 16-24, In my thriller, I will try to have fast-paced thrilling action scenes to appeal to my audience. The reason why I would like to have this in my film as according to my research, a younger audience would like more action and intense scenes that would draw them to the edge of seat whilst watching it.

What I foresee whilst creating my film for this audience is maintaining a low budget. As I am going to am going to have a lot of intense scenes, they will require the purchase of more props to suit the atmosphere of the scene, and I would like to have more special effects in the short movie to make it more thrilling- however, with the implementation of this it will cost more money for me to produce.As a portion of my audience is under 18, I keep in mind about the BBFC as they are the regulatory for films in the UK, and they watch and after give it an age rating. I must consider what themes are appropriate for my audience; if my film has excessive violence and mature themes a portion of my audience would not be able to watch it due to it being given a higher age rating. 

In the trailer, I will make it clear what genre the opening fits into, so that the audience would know what kind of movie that it is going to be. If I were to create it into a full movie, I would incorporate information about the product such as: the release date (so where/when they can see it), etc. It must be persuasive and eye-catching so that the audience would be interested in watching the whole thing.

The Conventions that I will have in the opening will be:
  1. Fast Editing- Fast paced editing usually makes the scene more exciting and tense. When fast editing is used, normally the scene unfolding has the main character in trouble such as them being chased, attack, etc. Fast Editing will make them fear for character(s).
  2. Dark/Dim lighting- With dark and dim lighting, it creates a sense of fear of the unknown as us as the audience don't know what lurks in the unknown and what come out to potentially hut the main character.
  3. Montage of Shots- Normally used to flashback to a scene of a murder, I would use this to give the audience a recap quickly of what happened before.
  4. Changes in the angles of the shots- Helps the audience see what is going on in different parts of the scene and where the antagonist and/or monster that will harm them may be.
  5. Diegtic Sounds of Breathing- I would use this to create tensity in a scene, and make the audience feel afraid for the main character. It is normally used when the main character is out of breath, nervous or someone is nearby.
  6. Tension Music-  Music can build up to events such as: when someone is approaching, making the audience and the character feel isolated and afraid, etc. 


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