Thriller Themes


A theme is a key idea or issue highlighted/explored when watching a media text.

They are explored through the situations faced by the characters or  their actions. They are also highlighted through key points in the story and setting

What are common themes of a Thriller?

  • Fear
  • Control
  • Sexuality and Sex
  • Romance
  • Violence
  • Espionage
  • Deception
  • Crime
  • Investigation
  • Suspense
  • Paranoia
  • Escape
  • Entrapment
  • Conspiracy
  • Terrorism
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Revenge
  • Death
  • Perception of Reality 
  •  Subterfuge
  • Power
  • Discovery 
 Gone Girl Trailer

  1. Isolation
  2. Mystery
  3. Deception
  4. Betrayal 
  5. Murder
  6. Murder-Mystery
  7. Fear
  8. Confusion
  9. Violence 
  10. Lies
  11. Truth
  12. Death
  13. Disappearance

The Key Theme of the invisible man is: Fear, Isolation,Mystery and Freedom. The Trailer shows a woman escaping from an abusive relationship but however the boyfriend (Aidran) finds a way to get his revenge and come back invisible and kill her.

When Aidran appears on the screen unexpectedly, it creates shock for the audience as they didn't expect him to come up. However, this creates a thrill for the audience as they fear for the main character's life as she gets away- as she was attacked, the audience has no way of knowing the main character will come out alive creating a sense of excitement.

The movie creates a sense of mystery as the audience is left captivated and confused on how Adrian was able to turn invisible- leaving the audience captivated and hooked on in suspense to find out how Aidran was able to do this phenomenon. 

In this film, only the main character has knowledge about the 'invisible man' causing the others around the main character to think she's crazy as they believe the invisible  isn't real. This creates the theme of isolation as she is the only one with knowledge about the invisible man and she is the only one that's being targeted by him making her alone without anyone to help her. 

In my Thriller, I will explore the theme of isolation to its extent. I will be creating the fear of isolation so that the audience feels like them and the main character are alone making them more fearful of what lurks in the darkness and to expect the unexpected. Making the theme of isolation makes the audience feel more tense and fearful for the main protagonist as they are more likely to be harmed and in danger alone.


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