Thriller Storyboard- INCOMPLETE

Above is a page from my Thriller Storyboard which would of been used to aid myself and my peers in the group I was working in to create the short thriller film that we were producing. In my group, we had spilt up what boxes that each person would be doing. I was given 'Section 3' of the storyboard to do which totalled to up to eight boxes. I was only able to finish drawing the first page of the storyboard and finish four boxes. As I couldn't complete the storyboard, I wasn't able to complete sketching the other four boxes on the second sheet of the storyboard, writing down details about the: different shot types, camera angles, etc. fine-line the sketch and colour it in so the storyboard looks completed. If I was to go back and be able to complete the unit, I would write down and present: a variety of different shot-types and camera angles so that the film doesn't look too repetitive and would bore the viewer, different angles so that the film looks unique and woul...